Rammstein's crystal clear texts are a boon to language students, who then risk getting snagged by a genre resembling steel wool rubbed rapidly on the ears.
But Fletcher, listening to spoken German is so…ugly. Guttural and abrupt. Other than being born there, what is the attraction? It’s not as massive as English or as lovely as any of the Romance languages, so what got you?
Srsly though, it's an interesting question. I'll probably answer it at length in a future installment of das Rotenlehmbestiarium.
Nina Nastasia❤️
But Fletcher, listening to spoken German is so…ugly. Guttural and abrupt. Other than being born there, what is the attraction? It’s not as massive as English or as lovely as any of the Romance languages, so what got you?
I can't right now. I just can't.
What, listen to Rammstein? Or Johann Schein? Or both at once?